July 27, 2009

Potter ponder

Posted in Literary, Opinion at 7:45 AM by Rekha

After many days of deliberation, we finally managed to find time agreeable to both of us, my mother and I, to go for the latest Happy Potter movie – ‘Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince’. Mounted on my two wheeler, we steer our way through the crazy traffic block to reach the theatre gate and find a “Harry Potter – HOUSE FULL” board. Intuition told me that this was worth enquiry. I asked my mother to go in and find out, myself having found no tiny space to park my tiny two wheeler! And of course, the house full board was for the previous show! Thus were secured the much awaited two seats inside the small hall of a theatre where the movie was running.

It was watchable, though, as usual, I followed most of it only because I’d read the book twice at the least with one revision when the movie was released, Yeah, I’m a Potter freak! Much of the details changed for ease of visual presentation, the plot remained essentially the same. I’d definitely have loved to see the part detailed in the book where members of the Order of the Phoenix and the DA fight the Death Eaters at the entrance to the Astronomy tower as Harry lands on top with Dumbledore. The book is exciting with wizarding duels – the fight of the good against the evil. Also missing is the very important fact that there was extra protection in the form of members of the Order at Hogwarts and shield charms and protective spells at The Burrow. This makes it seem an inefficiency of the “good lot” and more importantly the Headmaster of the school who is the greatest wizards of all times, who puts the safety of his students first, to have ignored the security of those affected by the darkness that spreads.

Speaking of The Burrow, Harry’s second favorite place in the world (it is of course the second place where Harry ever felt cared for and at home)Β JK Rowling talks of it as a piled up mass of a “magically enlarged” house. Molly Weasley makes it the best home on earth! I wonder how they build houses, wizards. If The Burrow is magically enlarged, what was it originally – a normal muggle house built by hand-laying bricks and cement? If it was indeed built by magic, then why is the enlargement bulging out? Couldn’t the Weasleys have perfectly built upper floors? Or is it the lesser skill of the Weasleys? And Hogwarts, a castle with innumerable secret passageways and magical rooms – it must have been built by the four great founders of the school. I would really like to know the charms and spells used for it. I could try it out myself, u know. πŸ˜‰

My Muggle friends will surely be unable to help me. Is there a witch or a wizard out there who happens to be browsing the Muggle Internet? Your identity will be kept confidential – please do respond!

Afterthought: It was also depressing to see Harry standing helpless, watching the happenings as Death Eaters round upon Dumbledore, it’s not like him to wait and watch (even though he was under Dumbledore’s order to fetch Prof. Snape), the real Harry would have attacked that moment! It is acceptable as per the goings on in the book – he was helpless, but the movie could easily have portrayed the same thing! 😦


  1. rahul said,

    Indeed an interesting post! I also happened to watch the movie and was gravely disappointed by the visual representation of the book which had won my heart. My belief, or rather, my humble opinion is that the entire series of harry potter should have been a Tv serial, which would have allowed the story be visualized without having to compromise with time. Again there is a trade off where people will have to wait everyday to see how the next portion of the story is being visualized which for some people might be a thrill buster; but for people like me it would be a reserved time in my daily routine to make it a point to watch it daily with something nice to munch away at. πŸ™‚ Again coming back to the movie, other than the story being compromised to fit in the time limit, the acting let me down tremendously – my imaginative mind had pictured all the scenes in detail and I was disheartened to see 50% justice done to it. Daniel Radcliffe was not at all appealing to me and he seemed to me doing a boring job, may be the sequels got on his nerves. Even the pivotal characters like Albus Dumbledore (Michael Gambon) and Prof. Horace Slughorn (Jim Broadbent) didn’t meet my expectations. But Hero Fieness-Tiffin and Frank Dillane who played Tom Riddle of age 11 and 16 respectively captured my mind. Over all the movie was a dismal performance for me. But its already a box office hit, so my views will go down the drain. In my opinion only few movies derived from popular books have been able to make an impact. Quality wise, this one definitely didn’t.
    Rekha πŸ™‚ hope you didn’t feel that I neglected you in the rambling. You know how I am when it comes to movies. The post was truly descriptive and showed your keen interest in Harry Potter series. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. I don’t know any wizard mate’s address, but I am sure that once you complete your MBA, you will posses the greatest spell to fulfill all your dreams, if you know what i am referring to πŸ™‚ Enjoyed reading your post – keep writing πŸ˜€

    • Rekha said,

      Agreed with you. I feel ‘The Lord of the Rings’ has been admirably well depicted through the three movies. Filled with the minutest of details, it is one of my favorite books and movie adaptations! I was disappointed by HP movies right from the first one, but as a fan I still can’t resist watching them when they are released! πŸ˜› And in the acting front I must add that Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley) did a good job in the scene where he takes Romilda’s love potion and and the change of expression when he is cured of it. Although this could’ve been shortened to include the vital essentials like more of the memories that Dumbledore collected about Lord Voldemort. I assume they had to cater to the demand of fun element for children. Overall as an ardent fan of Rowling’s imagination, I am disappointed!

  2. thezionview said,

    ok this is something ill never understand i havent read the book nor seen all the movies other than the first one….

    If i have to say what i know Lord of the Rings is best!. I have seen all the movie and now reading the book, never in my life i have read such huge book,Hope i will finish it one day…

    No comments on this.. will see in the next post!

    • Rekha said,

      That’s awesome Prabeesh! You may contact me for clarifications – I’ve read the book 6 times! LOL And The Hobbit. Now am trying a hand at The Silmarillion!

      • thezionview said,

        6 times!!! thats one insane LOTR fan…. i can’t read the book that much times i’m very very slow reader… but watched all three movies about 4 times.. may be many more times πŸ™‚ i just like visual presentation and tht graphic in tht movie is just awesome

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